Initial Claims – part 2

Page four * ~ * Hanian Earth Empire  *~* Initial Claims Document * ~ * Version 1.0

Three – The Waters:

Claimed territories in International Waters, terra nullius ocean claims.

Currently they can only be listed by informal coordinates, they will be standardized in the near future.

Lat: 30.18  Lon: -76.32                               by east coast of Florida, USA        lat: 3566273.74 lon : 8539004.79 * tiny tip off the coast of South Florida.

Lat: -6.46  Lon: 1.16                                    by west coast of Africa

Lat: -25.64 Lon: 5.73                                   by west coast of Africa

Lat: -41.97  Lon: 0.17                                  by west coast of Africa

Lat: 36.76  Lon: -14.27                                by west coast of Spain/Portugal

Lat -20.68 Lon: – 34.76                                by east coast of Brazil

Lat:  -8.91 Lon: 60.16                                  by east coast of Madagascar

Lat: -10.45 Lon: 62.01                                 by east coast of Madagascar

*The formats of the coordinates will be made uniform on the official claim pages, it seems difficult to get maps with the better coordinate system listed on them which show the economic zones well enough.

17 Feb 2016 * ~ * Hanian Earth Empire  *~* Initial Claims Document * ~ * HayaH

Page five * ~ * Hanian Earth Empire  *~* Initial Claims Document * ~ * Version 1.0

Four – The Wilderness Territories:

Places that are either unoccupied and lack permanent population or they are sparsely populated by citizens of another state or nation. This results in tracts of land which are open for claim and eventual colonization attempts; if these are handled properly. Most of these are wilderness areas. Exact claim acreage is currently unknown until further study of our sovereign areas has been conducted. These operate on a vonu basis, out of sight, out of mind.

In North America:

Greenland Wilderness, Greenland (arctic)
Devon Island – Canada (island . arctic)
Alaskan Wilderness, America (arctic. mountain . forest)
Northern Canada Wilderness, Canada (arctic. mountain. forest)
Rocky Mountains, North America (mountains)
Appalachian mountains, America (mountains)
Texas Wilderness, America (rugged. hills)
Kansas / Dakota Area, America (farmland)
Hawaiian Area, America (island, tropic)

In Caribbean, Central and South America:

Wilderness in the Dominican republic (jungle)
Amazon Rain forest, South America (jungle)
Remote areas in Ecuador, Central America (jungle)
Suriname Wilderness; South America (tropic. jungle)
French Guiana Wilderness, South America
Chile Wilderness, South America (desert . mountains)
Falkland Islands, South America (island)

17 Feb 2016 * ~ * Hanian Earth Empire  *~* Initial Claims Document * ~ * HayaH

Page six * ~ * Hanian Earth Empire  *~* Initial Claims Document * ~ * Version 1.0

In Asia:

Tibetan plateau Wilderness
Mongolia Wilderness

In Australia / Pacific:

Australian Outback (desert . rugged)
Philippine islands which are uninhabited or sparsely (tropics)
Papua New Guinea Wilderness (jungle)
New Zealand Wilderness (mountain . forest)
Maldives Islands (tropics)

In Europe:

Iceland Wilderness; Europe (arctic)
Siberia, Europe (arctic . forest)
The alps mountain range (mountain)

In Africa:

West Sahara / Morocco Wilderness, Africa (desert)
Namibia Wilderness, Africa (desert)
Mauritania Wilderness, Africa (desert)
Congo Wilderness, Africa (jungles)
Sierra Leone and Liberia Wilderness (jungles)

In India:

Bhutan Wilderness (mountain)
Himalayan Wilderness (mountain)

In the Middle East:

Undetermined for now due to political instability.

17 Feb 2016 * ~ * Hanian Earth Empire  *~* Initial Claims Document * ~ * HayaH

Page seven * ~ * Hanian Earth Empire  *~* Initial Claims Document * ~ * Version 1.0

For now, only the overall area in each of these territories is defined until further studies can be conducted. Eventual specific square miles and actual borders will be defined and made available. Everyone knows where these are at and it is very clear that many of these vast territories are barely inhabited by others allowing us to move citizenry into those areas and establish official colonies at will. Most are so remote we are certain that our people will not be hassled by anyone.

17 Feb 2016 * ~ * Hanian Earth Empire  *~* Initial Claims Document * ~ * HayaH


Page eight * ~ * Hanian Earth Empire  *~* Initial Claims Document * ~ * Version 1.0

Five: Extraterrestrial Lands:

It is our right at any time to engage colonization or administration of our solar territories hereby claimed as well. We see fit to claim off world territories as we plan on engaging in space colonization and research in space endeavors. In addition we will be pursuing research and planning for first contact with civilizations from elsewhere.

Sol – the sun of our solar system.
Luna – the moon; satellite of earth.
Mars – the fourth planet of our solar system.
Venus – the second planet of our solar system.

17 Feb 2016 * ~ * Hanian Earth Empire  *~* Initial Claims Document * ~ * HayaH

Go to part 3 of this post.

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